1 full year with Lomi
I, like many of you, despise a smelly kitchen. The fruit flies, the dripping garbage bag across the floor (ick). I would come out to leave for work and see our trash bin shredded by rodents overnight. The mess, the smell, and don't even get me started on the critters.
When I first heard of Lomi I was intrigued. A countertop composter that aims to reduce waste, eliminate odour AND help the environment? It sounded great but was it really worth the $400+ price tag? Short answer- YES! But here's why.
1. It's quiet and compact. There is ZERO smell and ZERO mess. It takes all my kitchen scraps and within hours has transformed them into usable dry garden dirt. Not into gardening? No problem. You can use it for your potted plants or toss it- up to you! It's the size of a crockpot and has a streamlined design.
2. It eliminated the mess- no smelly garbage bags. No rodent messes. Because everything is dry and your garbage no longer contained food waste it didn't smell! Not to mention it reduced our household waste by over 60%!
3. Happy Planet- Reducing waste is always a great thing.
4. It's easy to use- toss the scraps and food in.. press a button and walk away... that's it!
Now, like me you may wonder how to justify the price but here's what I realized.. by the time I factor in my $$ on extra garbage tags, the cost of garbage bags, the time spent washing out smelly garbage containers, hosing and cleaning up the messes outside it made it abundantly clear that this one time cost was more than worth it. Plus, they run sales and promotions often too that can save you even more!
If you're ready to change your kitchen game and start reducing waste and saving time and energy in cleaning at home- add to cart!
I'm over a year in with Lomi and I will never look back!
I've linked my Lomi here on Amazon.
Please note as an affiliate I receive a small commission that keeps these reviews coming but it does NOT negatively impact your price.
Check back often and watch @sudzhandmade and @naturalborn.lover on Instagram for sales!
Enjoy your Lomi!