Healthy Living Must-Haves

Healthy Living Must-Haves

Over the years I have built up an arsenal of products I use and rely on daily. Some make life easier or healthier, and others make the environment happier- and life more fun! 


This countertop composter turns your food waste into dirt- in a matter of hours! Its quieter than a dishwasher and takes up the same space as a crockpot! Its sleek design and easy to use functionality made it a must- have for our new kitchen. We went through so much garbage at our home and much of it was food waste. This lead to me constantly having leaking garbage bags, smelly food waste and critters ripping apart our trash regularly. We are now down to 1 garbage bag per 7-10 days as a family thanks to Lomi- plus no food waste or smells to worry about! Lomi has a few different settings: one turns food waste into useable, dry compost with no mess and no smell that you can either add to your compost pile outside or throw in the trash- reducing your waste in a BIG way! The second turns it into more compact compost and the third is DIRT! Yes Dirt! Simply finish the cycle and add the dirt to your household plants or garden! No smells and no mess is the best part!

Ninja Foodie Air Fryer 2 Basket

The Ninja Foodie has been a gamechanger in our busy household. It air fries, dehydrates, and even reheats food back to it's original consistency! Not sure what I mean by that? Ever had leftovers and when you reheat in the oven or microwave it just isn't the same? Well this makes yesterdays pizza fresh out of the oven, or date night nachos like they were just baked fresh for you. Plus I like that it has 2 separate baskets so you can do chicken in one side and potatoes in the other- however you like! Its so much healthier than deep frying and has zero mess! To clean ours from messy meals i simply add a few drops of Dawn and some water to it, and put it on for 5 minutes, and rinse!

Reusable Paper Towel

I am addicted! The amount of paper towel we used to go through is embarrassing. Cooking messes, dog messes and overall cleaning meant we went through papertowel like it was going out of style. I received these as a Bridal Shower gift and rely on them constantly! It has the same, if not better absorbency than regular papertowel- but no smells or messes, and its antimicrobial to prevent bacteria from growing! Plus, its a huge saver for the environment and it is aesthetically pleasing too with so many fun patterns and sizes. You can simply wash them and reuse- dozens of times!

Glass Food Storage Containers

Once I realized the damages to our body that harsh plastics can cause I made the switch and haven't looked back. Glass food storage has been a lifesaver for keeping food fresh- and also looking and lasting far better than the previous plastic counterparts! They are leakproof and are perfect for fridge storage or even lunch packing. They are easy to reheat and don't stain like the plastic ones! 

5 pack on Amazon is also dishwasher safe!

Cup Washer- Countertop Version

Ok, I will admit when my husband first asked for this in our new kitchen I rolled my eyes.. but if you have ever tried to get red wine or milk out of the bottom of a glass you will feel my pain! This small cup washer mounts directly to your counter by your sink. Simply push the cup down on top and its high pressure rinses the cup out within seconds- leaving no mess behind! It comes with all the hardware too making installation a breeze. We've used ours consistently for a year now and wouldn't do it any other way!

Aerogarden Countertop Grow System

This small countertop version can really sit anywhere! I have ours setup in our diningroom and its small size makes it an easy addition to any room in your house. I love regrowing herbs, cuttings from plants, or starting my outdoor garden seeds inside. I have grown peppers, cilantro, rosemary, lavender and much more! Its really easy to use and you only have to refill the water every few months! Simply add your seeds to the pod and place in the designated spot- it handles water and light for you with its automatic schedule! You will have seedlings in no time and can transfer to a pot once they outgrow the Aerogarden. I also use it for cuttings from existing plants I have, to help grow more plants from it. I have had ours for about 4 years and have had an easy time using it with no issues!


I will continue to add more favourites here as I compile my lists so check back often! I will keep an eye on these Amazon favourites and share if I notice any good deals as well!

*Products are currently available on Amazon and links shared are my affiliate links. The links do not cost the consumer any money for using but do help me build my platform so I appreciate the support!*


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